Friday 17 April 2020

Friday daily connection question

Friday daily connection question

If you could be any age for a week, how old would you be and why?

I would like to be 18 for a week because i can go to the pub and go out partying and drive my bmw m3 car......mum also said i have to have a job to pay for all of this 😂😂


  1. Hi Reed, Fantastic to see you have remembered how to blog. I am in total agreement with your mum. The serious side of being 18 comes with getting a job, and paying bills. You can look forward to that too.

  2. Hi Reed, That's an interesting age you've chosen. There is a bit more freedom but also there'a a bit of responsibility to go with it. What made you choose 18 and not something older? It was nice to read your blog and I look forward to reading more. Keep up the good work. Sharron


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