Thursday 16 August 2018

New Zealand teacher strike

On Wednesday there was no school because the teachers were protesting. They are striking because they aren't getting paid properly. Teachers should get paid properly so they have money to buy groceries and pay rent. If teachers aren't paid properly I think they will stop coming to school. This would be bad because there would be no teachers to teach the kids!

(Words by Reed, typing by Miss H)

Friday 3 August 2018

the chess tournament

On thursday at the greymouth high school there was a chess Tournament and.I was in it with other school students from my school and we were representing our school which is Paroa school now I wasn't that good at chess but.I still give it a go and I thought it was really fun I got fourth overall  in the Juniors so there is categories.The first one is Rookis so they are the people that have just started playing and then you've got juniors what I was in and then you've got seniors and some people from. My school and seniors and our school won the chess tournament so now some people from.My school will be going to Auckland to play chess I wish I could go but .I didn't make it But I'm going to try next time to make it on thank you for reading goodbye.