Tuesday 2 May 2017

Reed Wellington Survival Guide

How to survive Wellington exploring time: When you spend your money don’t spend it on lollies. When you eat kfc out from your money dont throw it up. It’s a waste of money. Don’t run on the road because you might get a speeding ticket or you might get hit by a car. Don’t die. Try not to get sent home and if you do don’t throw a tantrum. Gear: A bag to spew in Money to pay your speeding ticket Phone to call for an ambulance when you die.


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  2. Hi there, my name is harmony and I am a student in room 8 at waikowhai primary School. I really like that you're talking about safety. It made me think of the world being a better place and a safer place. Have you thought about checking with a teacher that everything making sense. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://wpsharmonyw.blogspot.co.nz/


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